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Follow the Leader

“He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3 NKJV

Don’t you love watching children at play? The kids were playing in the big sandbox at the playground on a warm, sunny afternoon. My grandson started walking on the railroad ties around the perimeter of the sandbox with his arms outstretched for perfect balance. One by one I watched other children fall in line behind him to follow suit. He was a natural leader and they chose to follow him. This was the first of many times he rose to opportunities to lead, up to and including as president of his senior class.

We are tempted at times to follow wrong leaders. Whether for causes, beliefs, ideologies, or popular movements, we may take our focus off of Jesus. It’s easy to get caught up the in moment. It’s easy to be enticed by the latest trend. But God leads us in the paths of righteousness.

In the wedding at Cana, Jesus’s mother told the servers to “do whatever He tells you.”

In all things we must do as God tells and directs us if we are to stay on the right track.

Many things in scripture are very clear. For others we may have to study scripture, dig deeper, or ask for helpful advice from someone who is more experienced and further along in their spiritual journey.

Leaders shoulder the burden of great responsibility. The choices they make impact many others. We can pray for wisdom and guidance as we make important decisions. God sees the big picture. If we listen to God’s voice and wait for His direction He will help us to lead in a way that honors and glorifies Him, and accomplishes His purposes for what’s best.

God’s way is perfect and with Him our plans will succeed as scripture tells us. We can depend on God to lead us as He did with many Bible heroes of the faith like Abraham through the land of Canaan. There was Moses as he led the Israelites out of Egypt and then Joshua as their new leader. When they looked to Him and fully obeyed, their plans were successful.

By Karen Huffaker
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Getting Life Back on Track – by Marvin Kehler

•  Lives Impacted by Jesus – Testimonies of Change

•   Godly Power – A Devotional by Phil Ware