December is a really good time to evaluate what we have done during this past year.
“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” (Psalm 90:12)
My husband met with a life insurance agent because in just five years our life insurance runs out. Life insurance is like car insurance – you buy it to provide financially for your family should you meet an early death. But if you don’t meet that early death, none of the money is returned. As a younger person you don’t think about the fact that life insurance policies don’t go beyond the age of 60 or 70. You feel you will always be young – only others get old. Surveys indicate that a person’s life span (the number of our days) is increasing and we should be planning our lives beyond the age of 65 – not only for financial reasons, but personal and ministry as well. My husband was told that the average man (if he is healthy at 65) will live to be 85. Twenty more years equals 7,300 days. That is long time.
December is a really good time to evaluate what we have done during this past year – the past 365 days! Did our life and work reap eternal results? It is the time of year when we should assess the results of our work for the Lord and consider whether we have made the most of our time, talent, experience and treasure. Time to think through and make changes in our goals and plans for the upcoming year.
It is the also time we appraise our giving to the Lord. He has blessed us with time, experiences, resources, talents, spiritual gifts and network of people. Did we have an attitude of gratitude last year? Have we used our income to help to evangelize and disciple and feed people around the world?
How much time did I spend in the Word and in prayer? How many people did I pray for? How many people have I been instrumental in bringing from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light? How many people have been discipled through the ministry I’m involved with? How many people have been trained and challenged to go?
As I go through my papers and invoices carefully, I become keenly aware of how I have spent my time and money this past year. Then I take time to pray and plan for the coming year. How can I best use my God-given time, talent and treasure during the next 365 days?
Lord, God, You have allotted to each of us a number of days to love and serve you. Grant us the wisdom to follow Your direction so we can please You. Amen.
Have you ever committed your life to Jesus and his life changing ways of transforming a person’s priorities. You can start today by praying this simple prayer and then he will start reforming your life from the inside out.
Lord Jesus, I want to trust you from now on. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Saviour and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of my life. Make me be the person You want me to be. Thank you for enabling me to trust you in these uncertain times. Amen.
by Katherine Kehler
used by permission
Further Reading: