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Is it Time for a Maintenance Check Up?

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked? Or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither — whatever they do prospers.” Psalm 1

In our living room we have a blue recliner. We’ve had it for years, and it’s my favorite place of contemplation, naps and relaxation. One day I sat on my chair and something felt off. Upon investigation, I discovered a bolt had gradually come unscrewed over time. Fortunately, with merely a few adjustments, it was back in its full glory.

If only life was that simple.

I asked myself: are there areas of my life that are gradually slipping? No one wakes up and says, “I think I’ll become unhealthy… go into debt… destroy my relationships … or grow distant from God”. Yet, it happens; and unlike my chair, often it is not a simple fix.

Just as regular maintenance keeps machines working, regular spiritual self-assessments would keep you aware of “loose bolts”.

God’s wisdom can change every area of life! Wisdom is knowledge rightly applied. God gives us wisdom and knowledge but we need to take action. You might need someone to help you and keep you accountable. Ask God for his resources each day to stop the slippage!

How do you keep regular maintenance in your spiritual life? Is there something in your life right now that needs adjusting?

Holy Spirit, please help me to be more aware of areas in my life that need attention. Please bring to light specific areas where I am lacking in love, generosity, and patience. Please help me to become more aware of my spiritual well-being. By Your grace, help me to find the discipline to always be attentive to Your promptings and to Your guidance. I commit my life to You. Please forgive me of my shortcomings and all the ways that I have offended You. All this I ask in Jesus’ most precious Name, Amen.

Thought: During your time of prayer today, set aside a few minutes where you ask the Spirit to reveal to you an area in your life that is slowly slipping. Prayerfully decide how you will act on it. Write down your resolution and post it in a place where you can easily remind yourself.

By Mike Woodard
Used by permission

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