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Wedding Prayer

A Wedding Prayer

Create in us a love, O Lord.
An eternal love…
Your love.
A love that forgives any failure,
spans any distance,
withstands any tempest.
Create in us a love, O Lord.
A new love.
A fresh love.
A love with the tenderness of a lamb,
the grandeur of a mountain,
the strength of a lion.
And make us one. Intimately one.
As you made a hundred colors into one sunset,
A thousand cedars into one forest,
and countless stars into one galaxy …
make our two hearts as one,
Father, forever…
that you may be praised, Father,

by Max Lucado
used by permission

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From Shaped by God (original title: On the Anvil)
Copyright (Tyndale House, 1985, 2002) Max Lucado

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