December 3, 2020
God Honors Our Commitment to Him
Although we don't know all that God could do in our lives if we'd radically commit ourselves to Him, the thought of missing out on His plans should be enough to motivate us to obey.
Read more..Although we don't know all that God could do in our lives if we'd radically commit ourselves to Him, the thought of missing out on His plans should be enough to motivate us to obey.
Read more..Jesus says, “Make yourselves at home in My love.” We don’t need to go looking for home; we may simply come home to Jesus.
Read more..If a recently released Christian prisoner came to your church, would he feel welcome? Would you welcome him?
Read more..What would happen if you approached a fork in the road and found two signs—one reading “Road of Comfort” and the other, “Road of Adversity”?
Read more..In the midst of healing from a profound heartbreak, the clarity and depth of God’s love burned through me as ferociously as the moment I first received Christ into my life. The intensity of his love significantly transformed my thinking.
Read more..Above all else, I know that God is there and He cares. The proof is in the ways He has purposed my plight in the past...and in yours.
Read more..“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You
Read more..As commonly interpreted, the word “blessed” means “happy” You and I are assured of happiness when we are making conscious strides toward humility. All of this becomes possible as we yield to God’s indwelling Holy Spirit.
Read more..ometimes our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling and fall to the floor. Other times, we are overcome with emotion and the words of our prayers can't capture what's in our hearts.
Read more..When I was young, most boys were told that a man doesn't cry. It showed emotional weakness and loss of control. A boy that cried was told he was acting like a girl! But in Psalm 86, David declared, “Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I cry to You all day long.”
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