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Tag: comfort

August 8, 2020

Are You Choosing Chaos?

Why do we allow ourselves to live in confusion and even chaos when we can be equipped by the Holy Spirit of God. Do we miss the wisdom and revelation we can have from God because we drown out that quiet voice of the Spirit by our busy lives?

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August 7, 2020

EL SHADDAI – The All Sufficient God

Many persons have lost their major sources of income and a whole lot are barely managing to stand on their feet as a result of the pandemic. If you are in any of these categories, God wants you to know that He is El-Shaddai – The All Sufficient God.

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August 4, 2020

God is Sovereign

Then life doesn’t make sense, we can know that it’s all known to God. No matter what our circumstances, we can know that God is always in control and He is bigger than our circumstances.

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August 3, 2020

Unshakable Peace

Jesus said to seek peace in Him because He has overcome this troublesome world (John 16:33)). Let’s shift our focus from our vexing problem to God and ask for His peace to surround us today.

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August 2, 2020

Don’t Go It Alone

Just because we cannot touch each other doesn’t mean we can’t stay in touch.

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August 1, 2020

Deliverance Comes

Does God guarantee the absence of struggle?  Not in this life.

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August 1, 2020

What Can You Expect?

God’s word is clear about the results of trusting the Lord. Listen to what He says, “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.

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July 30, 2020

When You Can Thank God for Breaking Your Heart

We all remember pains from the past.But our pain is valuable to Him. So valuable, He uses the pain to frame the beautiful things He’s making out of the pain.

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July 29, 2020

It’s Not about You

Belonging to God’s family can be a gentle rain on the desert of our loneliness. God, our Father, is ours because we are not the only believer left on earth. No matter how alone we may feel, we know that there are many others who worship Christ Jesus, our Lord.

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July 28, 2020

The Causes of Insecurity

Comparison. People sometimes become preoccupied with those who seem smarter, wealthier, nicer-looking, more successful, and so on. This makes individuals feel overshadowed and creates doubt in their own ability to achieve.

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