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Tag: comfort

September 6, 2019

Grace Chooses Forgiveness

Grace chooses to give the forgiveness that’s been received! “I forgive you. I want your life to be the best it can be. God gave me a second chance at life, and I passed it on”

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September 6, 2019


Forgiveness is for us, not our offenders. It releases us to live in freedom and to learn from the hurts in our past. But it’s not for weaklings; it makes us stronger.

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September 5, 2019

When Things are Tough

Gracious Father, every good thing I have in my life has come because of you. The family I have been blessed with, the protection I have received, the values that I hold, the successes I have enjoyed, the hope I have, the salvation I have received, and the future I anticipate are all mine because of your grace and not my goodness. Thank you! Thank you! In the name of Jesus I thank you more! Amen.

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September 4, 2019

Seek Not Man’s Approval

Let not the cares and worries and man's approval, concerns for things of the world bring choking bondage hard to let go; but only Let not the cares and worries and man's approval,

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September 3, 2019

Words in Silence

“O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation. Psalm 5

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September 2, 2019

Don’t Look Back

Grief is more than losing a loved one. We grieve the loss of anything that was important to us, including a home, a career, or our health.

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August 31, 2019

God’s Masterpiece

You matter to God! Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

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August 29, 2019

Walking Away and Coming Home Again

What causes a person to close the door on their relationship with the Lord? Lose faith? What makes some Christians - walk away?

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August 28, 2019

Patience Toward My Enemies

Have you ever been bullied? When we experience hardship, we might ask, “What is God teaching me here, and how may I, like him, be patient and merciful even toward my enemies?”

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August 28, 2019

Fruit of Kindness

Be blessed with the fruit of kindness that the Holy Spirit produces in you, your grateful response to unmerited kindness

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