May 20, 2023
Where Peace is Found
Are you looking for peace this Year? Why do many Christians lack peace?
Read more..Are you looking for peace this Year? Why do many Christians lack peace?
Read more..When David said in Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Shepherd,” couldn’t he have come up with a better metaphor than a shepherd for sheep?
Read more..I will obey God and trust Christ to defeat sin and evil pleasure in my life, so that I can live a supernatural life and help take His gospel to all men throughout the world.
Read more..We will always experience suffering during our lives here on our fallen Earth. When we experience pain, our natural response is to question & ask why.
Read more..God renews the strength of those who are weary and exhausted, and who look to Him. If we rely on God and exercise our faith, God can make us into people who are resilient.
Read more..Dare we envision a God who follows us? Who pursues us? Who chases us? Who tracks us down and wins us over? Who follows us with "goodness and mercy" all the days of our lives?
Read more..Why are you cast down today? God gives us hope. We can cling to it. Hold on and believe it.
Read more..Poem: Precious. Precious Lord the One who gives Life and sustains me I pause..... Just to love on You..... to bless You ....Make You large in my life.
Read more..“Be Kind and compassionate one to another”, the Bible tells us. Why not today? It doesn’t have to be a meal—it could be a smile, opening the door for someone, or offering to baby sit, weed someone’s garden—
Read more..What difficult experience do you find yourself in right now? What are you dreading? Can you visualize Jesus in that situation?
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