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July 1, 2021

Trust With All Your Heart

Trust. It can't be half-hearted. Either it is a full trust or it is clouded with suspicion and doubt. Let's ask for God's wisdom and guidance as we make our choices.

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June 26, 2021

The Three P’s

When in comes to the Christian walk, there are three P's: Prayer, Power, Purpose

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June 25, 2021


Even if circumstances make it hard to believe, trust in God's unfailing love. He is not slow in keeping His promise.

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June 22, 2021

Who is Your Hero?

What does a hero look like? Lord, be the King of my life. I need a daily hero that will rescue me from myself, conquer the areas of my life that could benefit me as a result and please you.

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June 9, 2021


A character transplant is not something of the future, it already exists! This is the real nature of being a Christ-follower.

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June 9, 2021

Letting God Lead Us

Instead of getting in the front seat to work things out, let God do the work. Trust in his timing. When we try to do things our way, it never pans out quite well, but when we leave it up to God, the ending is beautiful.

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June 2, 2021

Let’s Major in God

David majors in God. He sees the giant, mind you; he just sees God more so.

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May 28, 2021

Be Anxious For Nothing

Most people have so many burdens they simply don't know what to do with more. Our Father in heaven, however, says "Cast all your anxieties on me. You can share all of them with me, because I genuinely care for you."

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May 26, 2021

Search Me

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting”  Psalm 139:23-24

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May 11, 2021

Your Mundane Matter

This verse should prompt Christians to want to do good works for Christ (serving, teaching, and loving others), but also remind us that these works can be performed wherever we are.

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