June 14, 2023
Satan’s Strategy
When Satan sifts believers, his goal is to damage our faith so much that we're useless to God.
Read more..When Satan sifts believers, his goal is to damage our faith so much that we're useless to God.
Read more..John 10:10 “The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness”
Read more..for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow
Read more..God has made it possible for us to please Him by giving us His Holy Spirit to indwell, enable and empower us for service.
Read more..Like the psalmist, we too can pray to our Father, who will strengthen us when we are weak and powerless.
Read more..The people we know will come and go during different seasons throughout our lives. But God remains forever. He is the first and the last.
Read more..Two balloons were given to volunteers. The instructions were simple. Keep the balloon in the air; don’t let them touch the floor. One volunteer began carefully tapping the balloon with focused attention. Tap, tap, tap and on he went with a valiant effort bouncing the balloon up,
Read more..Fear of the unknown, in my opinion, is the most prevalent fear that we as humans face on a daily basis.
Read more..Thought: While it is naive, on one hand, to think that trusting in God makes all of our problems go away — Christians have many of the same problems that unbelievers do because they share the same mortal flesh, on the other hand it's true.
Read more..Two words that are so different. The first one, pIEce - where the IE stands for I Enjoy. The other is pEAce - where the EA stands for Eternal Access.
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