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Tag: depend

June 5, 2023

The Holy Spirit Will Speak

Holy Spirit Devotional - Certain conditions must prevail, of course, before the Holy Spirit can speak through us. But they are easily met.

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June 4, 2023


Someday, my soul will go to heaven, but my body will remain, being properly lowered into the earth where all but the bones will decompose over time.

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June 4, 2023

You are an Overcomer

You are an overcomer in spite of the nay Sayers the dream killers and all of the liars! You are an overcomer and you shall walk worthy of your calling For God Himself is with you!

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June 3, 2023

Fireside Wisdom

What does it mean to abide in Christ. John 15 describes so well the picture of what abiding is.

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June 1, 2023

Make a Life Where You Live

God says it’s going to be a while, so make a life. Don’t invest your energy in hopes of leaving; instead, invest your energy in the people around you

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May 30, 2023

All is Everything

In Jesus we have all spiritual blessings and all grace abounding toward us. He gives us all His life, all His love, all His heart, all the time.

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May 29, 2023

Stop Trusting in Man

Thought. How many times have you been disappointed by someone for whom you voted, betrayed by a friend, been abandoned by a loved one, or let down by a church leader?

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May 28, 2023

In Need Of Help

Spiritually we need the combination of both inspiration and wisdom. Inspiration motivates us to take steps of faith. Wisdom helps us know when and how to move forward. None of this happens in isolation.v

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May 27, 2023

No Fear

When hard times come, and we’re backed up in a position we can’t get out of, we tend to run to God. We suddenly realize that He’s our only help.

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May 27, 2023

Understand the Lord’s Love

Understanding the Lord's love, presence, and nearness should lead us to serve him and to deepen our relationship with him. While we love God for many reasons, we want to express our love to him today especially for his personal concern for us.

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