November 4, 2024
A Lesson on Outward Appearance
In a culture that thrives on how we look and what our status is, how can we be grounded in the truth of what God considers important and of value? I have a perfect example
Read more..In a culture that thrives on how we look and what our status is, how can we be grounded in the truth of what God considers important and of value? I have a perfect example
Read more..Friend, God knows all about your trials. He will comfort you if you'll go to Him in prayer.
Read more..The Lord is the One who acts through us. The needs of others are sometimes overwhelming, and we can feel that our small efforts are a waste of time.
Read more..God is love. Love is who He is and it’s the bedrock of all that He does.
Read more..Thought. We cannot renew ourselves on our own. God himself must do the renewing, not just when we are saved, but daily.
Read more..Do you have a Bible? Read it! When anxiety termites away at your peace, read Philippians 4:6: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Read more..“You are the salt of the earth. . .” Matthew 5:13 “Salt is good, but
Read more..“Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow.” Psalm 144.4 We
Read more..“Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You have six days each
Read more..In the 3rd chapter of Acts, it says that Peter and John were in Jerusalem
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