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Tag: encourage

October 4, 2018

A Pasture for the Soul

With His own pierced hands, Jesus created a pasture for the soul. He pried loose the huge boulders of sin. In their place He planted seeds of grace and dug ponds of mercy.

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September 25, 2018

Time: God’s Gift to You and Me

Time spent on unforgiveness, worry, bitterness, jealousy, anxiety, fear, keeping malice, angry etc. is a wasted time. Use the time you have to love yourself, love Jesus, serve humanity, spend quality time with friends and families, and learn new exciting things.

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September 23, 2018

Putting Our Affairs in Order

Put your affairs in order. Words that jolt us out of the false sense of security we possess—likely brought about by an equally false sense of control.

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September 8, 2018

God Uses Our Suffering

Life is full of trouble. But in the hands of a loving God, our suffering is being used for eternal purposes.

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July 8, 2018

How Christ Modeled Humility

How Christ Modeled Humility. Although humility is not highly valued in our society, it’s essential in the Christian life. And the one who set the pattern for it is Jesus Himself.

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June 23, 2018

The Ugly Truth about Self-reflection

“Behold, You desire truth in the inner being; make me therefore to know wisdom in

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April 25, 2018

A Cloak of Love

“Love covers a multitude of sins,” the scripture says in 1 Peter 4:8. Love doesn’t expose. It doesn’t gossip. If love says anything, love speaks words of defense. Words of kindness. Words of protection.

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April 23, 2018

Dying to Hear

There are many struggling people in the world who are literally dying to hear the Gospel — but there’s no one willing to tell them. They are lost and on their way to hell. We have the ability to give them the good news that could save their lives, but do we chose to tell them? Or do we go about our own agenda instead?

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February 28, 2018

Build Others Up

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is

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December 27, 2017

Get Over Yourself

When you have a chance to clap and cheer, do you take it? “In humility consider others better than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3

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