July 2, 2021
An Act of Devotion
During our time before our Lord, our Heavenly Father becomes the central focus of our devotion. We worship Him, and only Him.
Read more..During our time before our Lord, our Heavenly Father becomes the central focus of our devotion. We worship Him, and only Him.
Read more..There are numerous things that have moved me to tears. Most recently, it was my cancer diagnosis on March 9th.
Read more..I will continue to abide in Christ and have His Word abide in my heart, so that when needs arise today - whether large or small; physical, material or spiritual - I will choose to place my simple faith in God, knowing that He is willing and able to hear and answer prayer. I will also encourage others to join me in the great adventure of prayer.
Read more..Storms of life: How do we know God can meet us in every need unless we’ve experienced some extreme need. God is never too late to help us.
Read more..Question: What distracts you (or tempts you) from the straight path? The only way to keep going along the straight path is for us to “fix our eyes on Jesus.
Read more..When in comes to the Christian walk, there are three P's: Prayer, Power, Purpose
Read more..God wants you to rest not "from" the things He has for you but "in" the things He has for you. His rest reigns in the innermost part of your being.
Read more..Even if circumstances make it hard to believe, trust in God's unfailing love. He is not slow in keeping His promise.
Read more..Imitate David. Never give up. One prayer might not be enough. One apology might not do it. One day or month of resolve might not suffice.
Read more..Praise God, and let’s pray today to constantly keep our eyes upon Jesus, with whom no one else even comes close! “To whom, then, will you compare God?” Isaiah 40:18
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