August 20, 2017
God Will Never Give Up!
God moves us forward by healing our past! Can he really? Can God heal this
Read more..God moves us forward by healing our past! Can he really? Can God heal this
Read more..Do you find yourself struggling with your faith? Paul tells us in our scripture reference not to throw away our confident trust in the Lord. Confident trust is the belief that something will happen based on God’s character. Again, He does not falter on His promises.
Read more..Peace of mind and heart, is something we as humans seek every day of our lives. We have many different names for it, like happiness, or love, and even financial success. These things though, will not give us the peace we truly seek.
Read more..If you feel inadequate when it comes to fulfilling the mission of Christ, know that it’s normal to feel that way. We are simply vessels needing His power. That way God gets the glory.
Read more..A Devotional on seeking justice: Deep within us resides a longing for justice. We want evil punished and good rewarded.
Read more..Do we know when we need to rest, or do we think we are super human and can go on and on forever? I tend to think we believe that with enough determination and caffeine we can go on forever. v
Read more..“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
Read more..When defining what love is not, the apostle Paul put rudeness on the list. “Love
Read more..Holding onto pain is like living with a thorn lodged in your heart that needs removed. Sometimes that means intentionally choosing to let it go even when that seems the most difficult thing to do, and yet you know for your own well-being it has to be done.
Read more..A bitter and resentful spirit doesn't fit who we are in Christ. Nor is it healthy to carry an angry attitude through life. That's why Scripture emphasizes the need to forgive. Choose to be liberated from your burden--Jesus promised to make us free when we release our sins to Him
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