September 8, 2022
When the Spirit Prompts, Forgive
Do you feel nudged to forgive people who have hurt you? Or do you want to nurse your ego by not forgiving?
Read more..Do you feel nudged to forgive people who have hurt you? Or do you want to nurse your ego by not forgiving?
Read more..Freedom of Forgiveness: The church is full of sinners. Christ longs to show compassion toward us all. “So there is now no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus”
Read more..I always thought I was free. I thought I understood the concept of grace. Did I really understand the freedom grace brings? Clearly not.
Read more..Every moment of your life your accuser is filing charges against you. He has noticed every error and marked each slip … Try to forget your past; he’ll remind you. Try to undo your mistakes; he will thwart you.
Read more..Do you ever think that you have sinned so much that God can’t forgive you? You aren’t the only one. We at Thoughts About God receive so many prayer requests asking us to pray for them because they have been involved in many sinful activities and they are sure that God will never forgive them. You know what—that is a lie from Satan.
Read more..Christian friend, when we first believed, we had a clear view of our sins and the absolute forgiveness God granted to us. As far as the east is from the west, so far had he removed our sins from us.
Read more..Hanging on to bitterness and keeping alive grudges is consuming work. It leaves little energy for blessing others, praising God, or enjoying life.
Read more..Sometimes God uses the most unlikely persons to teach us a lesson. Jesus showed us that forgiveness has a cross in it. It costs us something. But un-forgiveness has an even greater price: It makes prisoners out of us.
Read more..“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Mathew 11:28)
Read more..Someone once said, “If you believe one-tenth of what you say you believe you should be ten times more excited than you are.” And I ask myself the question: Where and why do we fall short?
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