March 8, 2025
Brotherly Love
“I know the kind of life you’re living and the friends you’re running with don’t know the Bible - it could be, you’re the only Bible they’ll read. You’re the only Jesus they’ll see.”
Read more..“I know the kind of life you’re living and the friends you’re running with don’t know the Bible - it could be, you’re the only Bible they’ll read. You’re the only Jesus they’ll see.”
Read more..Jesus shared truth but graciously. Jesus offered grace but truthfully. Grace and truth. Acceptance seeks to offer both.
Read more..We have three mistaken notions about God’s love: 1. If God loves me He will protect me from painful experiences. 2. I don’t deserve God’s love. I haven’t done enough to earn His love. 3. But I don’t feel God’s love. Feelings are not reliable. 3.
Read more..I lose sight of that sometimes. In the midst of an ordinary day I forget that I have this incredible hope. When I feel weak, forgotten, worn out or left behind it’s often because I’ve taken my eyes off of the hope that Jesus bought for me on the cross.
Read more..You are not alone in these trying times or through these difficult circumstances. . In Jesus you have a Warrior who has won the battle,
Read more.."Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace… Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.
Read more..The LORD has prompted me in the past not to be double-minded. At the time I was a bit hurt and said "Surely not I?"
Read more..There are times in life when God seems far away and we wonder why he is not speaking to us. Why can’t we feel His warmth?
Read more..Sometimes things seem big. Sometimes things are big! Yet God tells us to worry about nothing! It seems impossible to us. “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything: tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank Him for His answers.” Philippians 4:6 (Living Bible).
Read more..A lot of our stress and discouragement is caused either by unfounded or maybe even real fears and anxieties.
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