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Tag: God’s love

June 7, 2024

Helper of Mankind

One morning  a few years ago, when going for a walk, I happened to notice a boy pulling a wagon. In the wagon was a smaller boy and a bunch of newspapers. As they went along they would stop in front of each house and the bigger boy would tell the smaller boy to take a paper up to the steps of the house. At times...

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June 6, 2024

Something New

Each time I dive into studying the scriptures I learn something new about God and/or myself.

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June 5, 2024

Welcoming Gently

Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to show us a life worth imitating. May I bow in awe of His glory and from that place open my heart to people.

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June 4, 2024

Coming Back to God

Friend, when it comes to prayer, nothing is greater or more important!  God wants to talk with you, if you just take the time. 

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June 3, 2024

Christ, Our Life

For many, Christianity is simply the religion into which they were born. For others, Christ is Savior and more: He is their very life (Colossians 3:4). When Jesus is your life you cannot go on without Him.

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June 3, 2024

Seeking God

Do I desperately seek after God? Prayer: Father, Don’t let me be so easily satisfied; help me pant after you as a deer pants for water.

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June 2, 2024

The Goal

The way to walk a tightrope is to keep ones sight on the goal, never looking down to the ground nor over our shoulder at what is behind.

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June 1, 2024

Complaining in the Wilderness

“Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you.” Philippians 2:14

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May 31, 2024

God is My Delight

“Be delighted with the Lord.”  Psalm 37:4a. Looking out the window of our friend’s boat while traveling up the inner passage of the west coast of British Columbia, I was completely awed by God’s creation. The acres of lush green forests, the rhythm of tides and currents, ...

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May 30, 2024

Security for Children

In a day when children and young people lack a feeling of security, Christian parents should cooperate with God in helping to provide for their families such a sense of security and refuge.

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