February 9, 2021
Love is Patient; Love is Kind
The way we treat others is rooted in how Jesus treats us. Thus, the call to love is not a call to sentimentality. It is the willingness to live like Jesus.
Read more..The way we treat others is rooted in how Jesus treats us. Thus, the call to love is not a call to sentimentality. It is the willingness to live like Jesus.
Read more..Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
Read more..Any time I think I can live the Christian life in my own strength, I’m in trouble. When I’m tempted to do it my way, to tough it out or go at it alone, I look to the cross. It wasn’t up to me then; it’s not up to me now. How do you view the cross?
Read more..When I try to do it on my own, I miss out on God’s strength and wisdom. Here is a prayer from the writer of Psalms 139 that helps to motivate me to move from self-reliance to God dependence.
Read more..The devil doesn’t limit his efforts to preventing faith. He also works diligently to deceive believers by feeding us discouraging thoughts: he insinuates God doesn’t care when we’re going through difficulties and suggests He’s unjust for allowing our suffering.
Read more..There is a classic movie based on a book written by Jane Austen that portrays how both personal pride and prejudice affect relationships. Much misunderstanding and hurt occurs when these two attributes collide!
Read more..Look in the mirror. What do you see first, your flaws or your good points? What do you think God sees first when he looks into your soul? With Jesus in your life, you can be sure he sees Christ’s goodness.
Read more..The pandemic has exposed a truth the comforts of the modern world so often conceal — our earthly lives are a wilderness wandering.
Read more..“Our ancestors in Egypt were not impressed by the Lord’s miraculous deeds. They soon forgot His many acts of kindness to them. Instead, they rebelled ..
Read more..Romans 15:4 "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope." He is with you when you are discouraged and not at peace. His presence never leaves nor forsakes you.
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