July 22, 2024
Ever Green Christians
How can Christians remain “ever green” in the midst of the seemingly endless drought of discouragement or the sudden and unexpected fiery trial?
Read more..How can Christians remain “ever green” in the midst of the seemingly endless drought of discouragement or the sudden and unexpected fiery trial?
Read more..Christ my life, and Christ my light, Christ for morning, noon, and night; Christ when all around gives way, Christ my everlasting stay;
Read more..Where does your heart live? Is there a constant awareness in your life that God is present? Is he the unseen but always present companion
Read more..As adults, we laughed at the absurdity of someone being trapped inside a computer.
Read more..Father God, You know just what I need. And I need to proclaim your love and faithfulness every day.
Read more..In the case of children who are prodigals, we can pray a hedge of thorns around them to protect them from friends who influence them in the wrong way. The Bible says, “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16b
Read more..She just keeps saying “yes” to Jesus. Simple, isn’t it? While Marti has lived with disappointments and sorrow,
Read more..Like many I live, bound up in life’s issues day-to-day, coping with the curve balls that speed my way.
Read more..Two types of thoughts continually vie for your attention. One proclaims God’s strengths; the other lists your failures.
Read more..In a recent conversation with a successful businessman, he described how he encourages his Christian colleagues to live and work in a secular environment where a verbal expression of faith may not be welcome or even allowed.
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