October 7, 2020
Don’t Be Anxious
Our duty today is to take Jesus at his word. When he says that we are not to worry, he means it. Who are we to question God’s provision and care for us during times of tremendous hardship?
Read more..Our duty today is to take Jesus at his word. When he says that we are not to worry, he means it. Who are we to question God’s provision and care for us during times of tremendous hardship?
Read more..Don’t we all go through moments of impatience, if not verbally, then in our thoughts? The Holy Spirit reminded me of that just yesterday, I was impatient with a new waitress at a coffee shop.
Read more..Reading the Bible at the start of the day is a good place to invite the presence of Jesus in to quiet our rushing about. However, I have found it requires a submissive heart and willing attitude to allow the Holy Spirit’s influence on, and into, our thoughts and beings.
Read more..So very simple!! First I give myself to the Lord. I dip into the well of all He is and draw up all that I need for this moment and this day. THEN I go and give out of that to others.
Read more..Sometimes our circumstances seem overwhelming. We may feel like we will never get out of the particularly bothersome situation we are in.
Read more..Take a risk. Believe in God. He will do what he has said he will do.
Read more..Gracious Father, I praise you from the bottom of my heart for providing Jesus as my Savior. At the same time, dear Father, I confess to you I struggle with sin.
Read more..Come and Trust: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Read more..How beautiful are His ways with you; how beautiful is His work within you.
Read more..We cannot close our ears to Christ’s steady knocks and think he will give up. He never will. Jesus wants us to welcome him in with hearts hungering to spend time with him.
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