September 14, 2019
Filled with God’s Love
Remember Paul’s words in Romans 8:38, “Nothing can separate us from his love.” Step to the well of God’s love and drink up. Once filled by his love, you’ll never be the same.
Read more..Remember Paul’s words in Romans 8:38, “Nothing can separate us from his love.” Step to the well of God’s love and drink up. Once filled by his love, you’ll never be the same.
Read more..It’s the promise of a life beyond this broken one, a far better life than we have ever known that we must cling to in this uphill journey.
Read more..How to do it: Allow your thinking to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Ask for the very concrete help He has promised in His Word.
Read more..We have been set free! We are delivered from law, sin, and death. We have been set free to serve God and share in his grace eternally. So how will we use that freedom?
Read more..Is there someone who has caused you great pain in your life? Do you find it impossible to pray for your enemy? Let me hold your hand and let us pray to our God together so that he would help us to do the impossible.
Read more..King David said in Psalm 16:8, “I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
Read more..The tongue does a lot of physical things for our body, but I believe that the prime gift God gave us with our tongue is to edify the saints and spread the Word to the sinners.
Read more.."Because of the LORD’S great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness" Lamentations3:22,23
Read more..I only need You, Lord, when I rise up and when I sit down; when I go out and when I come in; when I am quiet and when I am active; when I am alone and when I am with others;
Read more..Wherever you find yourself today, you can take comfort from the book of Jonah that the Creator God who commands the wind and the fish will also care for you!
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