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Tag: God’s love

August 17, 2009

My Success is About Him

by Max Lucado ____________________________________________________________ With success comes a problem. Just ask Nadab, Elah, and Omri.

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August 13, 2009

Reasons for Trials

by Dr. Bill Bright _________________________________________________________ “He…comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And

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August 9, 2009


“He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer (and fasting)” Mark 9:29 Prayer

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August 7, 2009

Reflecting God’s Glory

by Max Lucado _________________________________________________________ “Our faces, then, are not covered. We all show the Lord’s

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August 2, 2009

How to Find Friends

by Marilyn Ehle _________________________________________________________________ “A man who has friends must himself be friendly…� “…the Son

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July 29, 2009

Reborn as Descendants of the King of Kings

Originally written by Charles H. Spurgeon, Updated to modern English by Darren Hewer, 2009. _____________________________________________________________________

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July 18, 2009

My Struggles are about Him

by Max Lucado ____________________________________________________________ What about your struggles? Is there any chance, any possibility, that

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March 22, 2009

Radiant Woman

by Katherine Kehler ____________________________________________________________ “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never

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August 1, 2008

Words that Echo

By Anton Rautenbach Many years ago, an old man advised me to cast my bread

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