March 1, 2024
Blessing Of Your Belovedness
Taste deeply of the love, of God, and of truth. Hear Him speak to you about your deepest yearnings, your wishes, your hopes, and your dreams.
Read more..Taste deeply of the love, of God, and of truth. Hear Him speak to you about your deepest yearnings, your wishes, your hopes, and your dreams.
Read more..Words are powerful. Communicators know this. Negotiators know this. Deep down, you know this.
Read more..Pay attention to your communication cues today. They have power to build up or to tear down. You choose.
Read more..Before every decision you make this day, ask God to direct your thoughts and your paths so that you remain in his will.
Read more..Jesus in Chapter 7 of Matthew is clearly calling us to do more than just acknowledge His Words; He is calling us to follow Him.
Read more..Whatever you have been through or are going through right now, I pray that your bucket be filled and runneth over with faith, hope, joy, and love in Jesus.
Read more..Some people say they have sinned too long and too bad to ever be accepted by Christ. Don’t you believe it.
Read more..More than conquerors! What a great phrase. In Christ, this is who we are: more than conquerors. No hardship, enemy, physical disaster, not even death, can separate us from Jesus. Once our lives are joined to Jesus, our future is tied to him (Colossians 3:1-4).
Read more..God really does choose those who seem inadequate or weak in this world. He doesn’t call the equipped; He equips the called, and you have been called according to His purpose!
Read more..This is the ultimate revelation of His heart. Let the One who is Holy Love re-parent you in His love.
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