September 10, 2020
His Shelter
How good it is to be as close to God as his shadow and to share in the comfort of his sheltering presence. He is not far if our hearts choose to draw near him. Let's choose to draw near!
Read more..How good it is to be as close to God as his shadow and to share in the comfort of his sheltering presence. He is not far if our hearts choose to draw near him. Let's choose to draw near!
Read more..In the Bible, hospitality meant showing love to strangers by opening one’s home to them. Throughout our marriage, my husband and I have practiced hospitality by providing meals to strangers, but rarely have strangers spent the night in our home.
Read more..Begin to focus on what is going on in your heart. Luke 6:45 tells us that out of the abundance of the heart, our mouth speaks. Have you paid much attention to this connection?
Read more..If we want to make a significant contribution to the Kingdom of God, we cannot sidestep the difficult seasons of life.
Read more..Really, deeply, openly loving another person can be scary.
Read more..Words are powerful for good or for destruction. Words can bless or wound deeply.
Read more..Lord, help me to put away bitterness born of grief and disappointment, and instead look outward to those who desperately need encouragement
Read more..“Heavenly Father please help us judge others as you would judge us, for in the same way we judge others, you will judge us and with the measure we use, you will measure us.
Read more..God, forgive me for judging others’ faith by their outward appearance. Help me see people the way You do. Amen.
Read more..How do you see someone who is being a thorn in your flesh? Is there someone in your life who just rubs you the wrong way?
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