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Tag: grace

March 11, 2019

The Lord is Our Helper

How can we be confident in what happens today? What is our assurance for tomorrow? Where do we muster excitement about eternity?

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March 9, 2019

Fall on the Lamb

In Scotland, two men were thatching a roof. One slipped and fell off.The other heard him cry out but couldn't reach out fast enough to save his friend.

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March 5, 2019

We Are Not Consumed

When you pray, do you rant and shake your fist at God? Or do you sit quietly, assured of his faithful renewal even amidst turmoil?

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March 3, 2019

Faith and Hope

By faith I believed and salvation was my gift. By faith and hope I know what I believe. I believe in God, His love, His grace,His Son, His plan for my life.

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March 2, 2019

Helmet of Salvation

I remember as a child trying to figure out why the ‘armor of God’ fit particular parts of the body. “Take the helmet of salvation…” Ephesians 6:17a

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February 28, 2019

Godly Defense 101

Dear friend, are you prepared for the battles ahead? The enemy is preparing his troops and he wants to win.

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February 22, 2019

Tangled Cords

Tangled cords cause frustration. If not carefully held separate while being pulled, they quickly tangle into infuriating snarls that take long minutes to unscramble.

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February 20, 2019

Peace and the Holy Spirit

The peace Jesus gives is unlike anything the world calls peace. It is peace IN the turmoil of day-to-day living. It is a peace that steadies you and a calm that encases you even with life is not calm around you.

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February 15, 2019

The Omnipotence of God

O Christian, have you bowed in deep humility before God until you felt that you were in living contact with the Almighty?

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February 10, 2019

6 Verses for When You Feel Stuck

If you’re feeling stuck and can’t even get a glimpse of a different tomorrow, these verses are for you. 6 Scripture Verses for When You Feel Stuck

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