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Tag: grace

December 16, 2018

God Is!

We live in an art gallery of divine creativity and yet are content to gaze only at the carpet. The psalmist marveled at such holy handiwork. "Where can I go from your Spirit?" he questioned with delight. "Where can I flee from your presence?

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December 11, 2018

Immersed in Grace

To believe we are totally and eternally debt free is seldom easy. Even if we’ve stood before the throne and heard it from the King Himself, we still doubt. As a result, many are forgiven only a little, not because the grace of the King is limited

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December 11, 2018

Vessels of Grace

Who are you? What is your place in this world? This question often baffles us. In our quest to be prominent or recognized, we tend to overlook the obvious fact that each person brings something distinct to this world.

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December 8, 2018

God Uses Failure

What was I thinking taking this job? I should have done better. It’s all my

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December 6, 2018

Pieced Together

“Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted” (John 6:12).With Christ as my mold, the pieces of my life have been transformed into something new.

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December 2, 2018

They Will Remember

Have you ever been discouraged after witnessing to someone and they didn’t seem interested? This story may encourage you:

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November 26, 2018

Who’s Right vs. What’s Right

It is easy to get caught up in who's right instead of what's right. God will give us opportunities to choose what's right versus who's right, as He continues to mold us to be more like Himself.

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November 22, 2018

The First Step

How do I yank bitterness out of my life? Where do I go? “Come to ME” (Matthew 11:28-29). Pray for those who have wounded you, for those who have done you wrong.

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November 15, 2018

Under His Wings

“He will cover you with His feathers; you will take refuge under His wings. His

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November 2, 2018

How to be Really Free

How do you feel about the word surrender? It’s not a popular word in our culture. We are afraid that if we surrender we’ll be oppressed. Maybe a person in authority has abused us and colored our concept of surrender.

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