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Tag: grace

March 7, 2017

Prayer to the One Who is Here

When we pray our words are not dispersing into the air; they are being heard by God, whose Spirit lives within us (1 Corinthians 3:16) and who hears us because He is with us, not as a vague spirit but as a living person.

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March 4, 2017

Fit for the King

Worship with anything less than our best is not worship at all. Discover the joy of giving to God the very best. Think and pray about what the best is that you have to offer. The Holy Spirit will help you understand what that means.

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March 1, 2017

Refreshing Peace

Oh Lord, please help us to trust only in You and look to you alone for our guidance and safety. Help us to place our complete trust in You so we can have perfect peace even in the tumult of our lives.

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March 1, 2017

We Can Trust God

When troubles come our way, we can be stressed and upset, or we can trust God. Scripture says to set your minds and keep them set on what is above…the higher things (Colossians 3:2). When giants are in the land, when doubts swarm your mind, turn your thoughts to God. Your best thoughts are God-thoughts. He is above all this mess!

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February 27, 2017

A New Covenant

A new covenant -- God willingly entered into a new agreement with us, his creatures, sealed it with the blood of his Son Jesus, and sent the Spirit to give us the power to live the life of this new covenant. God has made a covenant of love and grace with us.

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February 26, 2017

How’s Your Heart?

Do you need to renew your covenant with the Lord to seek Him with all your heart and soul? You may need to renew your commitment to Him, if you exhibit these unhealthy spiritual "vital signs" of an unhealthy heart.

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February 20, 2017

Lord I Love You But…

Consider whether you have ever found yourself saying or thinking, I love you, Lord, but don't call me to do that!

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February 20, 2017

Lift Up Your Soul

Lift Up Your Soul: Dearest Lord, I pray that I may surrender a little more each day to Your use, and trust more and more in Your mercy and love — that I can lift up my glass for You to fill with Your presence.

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February 17, 2017

The Gift of Experience

‘Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5&6

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February 10, 2017

You are God’s Great Idea

“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.

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