June 23, 2022
Come to the Waters
Let us listen to the voice of the Shepherd who never speaks an uncaring word. Let us drink of the waters that quench our deepest thirst.
Read more..Let us listen to the voice of the Shepherd who never speaks an uncaring word. Let us drink of the waters that quench our deepest thirst.
Read more..Do you ever question where you’re at in life? Do you ever wonder why a certain thing happens to you and not to others?
Read more..Loving Father, lead me to the people today who need their burdens lifted and their joys shared.
Read more..Think about it. Is your faith unsinkable? When your physical boat sinks, are you going up or down?
Read more..Are you in the middle of a crisis or difficult season? Have you found yourself turning to dependencies or bad habits that are substitutes for relying on God?
Read more..Keep praying. And if you don’t have the words, God has an abundant supply we can use.
Read more..When you take the time to consciously “tune your heart to sing His praise” you will find encouragement begins to lift the discouragement from your soul.
Read more..Do we hang in there when things get tough? Do our bad moods or our despair transfer onto others that we meet each day? Our promise to ourselves each morning should be that we will take joy with us and so our joy will overflow and touch all we meet. Now I do not mean to go around with a silly grin pasted to our faces, but just have that inner joy that Paul and others speak of and believe me it will embrace all those around.
Read more..for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Philippians 4:11
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