May 5, 2021
The Blame Game’s Source
Who is responsible for the choices that we make? Is it fair to blame God or someone else when we make wrong decisions, even if we felt pressured or influenced by another?
Read more..Who is responsible for the choices that we make? Is it fair to blame God or someone else when we make wrong decisions, even if we felt pressured or influenced by another?
Read more..A fit of anger. Uncontrolled debt. A guilty conscience. Icy relationships. Alarms in your life. When they go off, how do you respond?
Read more..Many people will never grab hold of God's outstretched hand. No matter how deep the waters become around them, they will refuse to be saved. They may refuse this because of fear, pride, or doubt.
Read more.."God's power to live a holy life and be a fruitful witness is released by faith, based on His faithfulness and the authority of God's Word."
Read more..What giants are you facing today? Meditate on the greatness or "bigness" of God. How do your problems compare?
Read more..Pray that God will give you peace in place of worry, filling you with faith instead.
Read more..Dear Father, please forgive me for trying to find my security and hope in things other than you. I know that there is no other source of hope, freedom, and security than you.
Read more..One of the most poignant scenes of scripture is when Jesus kneels to wash the feet of his disciples. While it may be tempting to rush past this event, to hear the words of institution or go with Christ to Gethsemane, we would do well to sit and observe the Lord’s humble action.
Read more..I keep a running list of love notes. God’s love notes. Because unless He keeps telling me He loves me, my human heart stops believing it.
Read more..None of us likes to be weak, do we? From small up we’ve been trained to “be strong.” “Show them that you can do it!”
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