May 13, 2021
When Facing Life’s Mountains
Wouldn’t it be great if it were easy to do God’s will? But sometimes it seems as if a mountain stands between us and what we’ve been called to do. Read: Zechariah 4:1-9
Read more..Wouldn’t it be great if it were easy to do God’s will? But sometimes it seems as if a mountain stands between us and what we’ve been called to do. Read: Zechariah 4:1-9
Read more..When it comes to eternal matters, the consequences for being wrong are severe. We all share the same problem. “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:2).
Read more..This verse should prompt Christians to want to do good works for Christ (serving, teaching, and loving others), but also remind us that these works can be performed wherever we are.
Read more..A few nights ago, I had to comfort our cat, Raven, during a thunderstorm. She’s
Read more..What guards your heart? What protects your mind? Did you know that the peace of God can stand guard over our hearts and minds?
Read more..He will keep in perfect peace those whose eyes are fixed on Him, because you trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3).
Read more..Being known by and knowing the Shepherd implies that, not only do they know His voice, but they have an intimate understanding of the way He thinks
Read more..When tempted to react angrily to someone else, ask the Holy Spirit to help you exercise self-control and look at that person with compassion.
Read more..Who is responsible for the choices that we make? Is it fair to blame God or someone else when we make wrong decisions, even if we felt pressured or influenced by another?
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