January 6, 2019
New Isn’t Always Comfortable
It is right and good to ask for God’s new things, but are we ready for the sacrifices that may accompany the blessing? Does commitment accompany the request?
Read more..It is right and good to ask for God’s new things, but are we ready for the sacrifices that may accompany the blessing? Does commitment accompany the request?
Read more..We have three mistaken notions about God’s love: 1. If God loves me He will protect me from painful experiences. 2. I don’t deserve God’s love. I haven’t done enough to earn His love. 3. But I don’t feel God’s love. Feelings are not reliable. 3.
Read more..Worship was such an important part of that first Christmas. Do we take the time to worship the Lord during this Christmas season?
Read more..To believe we are totally and eternally debt free is seldom easy. Even if we’ve stood before the throne and heard it from the King Himself, we still doubt. As a result, many are forgiven only a little, not because the grace of the King is limited
Read more..Who are you? What is your place in this world? This question often baffles us. In our quest to be prominent or recognized, we tend to overlook the obvious fact that each person brings something distinct to this world.
Read more..“Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted” (John 6:12).With Christ as my mold, the pieces of my life have been transformed into something new.
Read more..Come to be blessed by your Father and Creator. According to God's Word, you are very special, You are created, crafted and designed by God your Father. He planned for you before He said, "Let there be light."
Read more..It is easy to get caught up in who's right instead of what's right. God will give us opportunities to choose what's right versus who's right, as He continues to mold us to be more like Himself.
Read more..In Matthew 6, Jesus talks about how the Father cares for the birds of the
Read more..God says, Receive the blessing of my victory. The question is not, will you overcome? It is, when will you overcome? Life will always bring challenges. But God will always give strength to face them.
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