November 9, 2019
Pray Before You Leap
As I recently prayed about an important decision I needed to make, I remembered there was a time when I didn’t. As a young Christian I didn’t even know that I should.
Read more..As I recently prayed about an important decision I needed to make, I remembered there was a time when I didn’t. As a young Christian I didn’t even know that I should.
Read more..“When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety
Read more..“If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15).
Read more..God gives us gifts and talents to use for His glory. But the biggest influence we might have for the kingdom of God is seeking Him with all of our hearts and serving the people who surround us.
Read more..It’s pretty amazing that, as Jesus followers, we have been called out of darkness. Yet what does that actually mean when darkness seems to cast it’s shadow all around us? How do we escape it when discouragement tugs at our own coattails?
Read more..It was winter and the buses were on strike. I picked up a student who wanted a ride on this cold day. He was from Africa and this was his first experience with a Canadian winter. As we talked, I noticed he didn’t have gloves.
Read more..Dear Father, you promise in your word to prune branches that don’t bear fruit. I ask you to humbly search me and see if there are barren branches. I give you permission to do whatever is necessary that I may bear lasting fruit for your glory. Amen.
Read more..Inadequacy challenges our faith. Paul says, "Our adequacy is from God" (v. 5)"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God."
Read more..Thought: At all times of difficulty in my life - spiritual, material, physical - I will look for God's hand of blessing in the joyful assurance that He cares for me.
Read more..All farmers know that when the harvest is ripe, time is of the essence. Our time on this stage is short, no matter our ages, and the harvest is ready. It won’t last forever.
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