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Tag: hope

August 6, 2023

Our God Is an Awesome God?

How do we know the God we serve and say we believe in is an awesome God if we are never in a situation where we need an awesome God?

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August 5, 2023

What to Pray in Difficult Situations

Use this prayer as a guide to pray for whatever is concerning you to day. He is the God of the impossible, and He is near.

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August 5, 2023

Our Confidence

There are some tough times in life! They're inescapable. That's when our confidence in the Lord's salvation and our relationship with him get tested!

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August 4, 2023

Weak but Strong

Today's Challenge: Speak with those who are going through trials and let them know you understand what they are going through.

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August 3, 2023


Fear is something that we all experience at some time in our lives. Our bodies cope by sending a surge of adrenaline rushing through us as a “flight or fight” mechanism and we feel ‘wired’. 

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August 3, 2023

Anxiety Ain’t Fun

Anxiety ain’t fun! One would think Christians would be exempt from worry but we are not.

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August 2, 2023

Eating Machine

My 13 year old son is an eating machine. He is 6 feet tall and wears a size fourteen shoe. He has been growing like a weed and doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.

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August 2, 2023

Aim for Jesus

The reason so many of us get stuck, unable to move deeper into intimacy with God is because we don’t think it’s truly possible, at least for us. And so we don’t even try.

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August 1, 2023

Trust the Lord

Trust. Can we trust in God? Is the Lord faithful? While we may wish to have been alive when Jesus walked the earth or Jeremiah spoke fearlessly God's hard truth, we are especially blessed to be alive today.

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July 31, 2023

Satan’s Condemnation

Satan has deputized people to peddle his poison. Friends dredge up your past. Preachers proclaim all guilt and no grace. 

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