September 26, 2023
He Honors the Humble
It is part of God's plan to abase the proud and raise up the humble. Our goal should be committed service for the Savior. We should let Him take care of the honoring and the humbling.
Read more..It is part of God's plan to abase the proud and raise up the humble. Our goal should be committed service for the Savior. We should let Him take care of the honoring and the humbling.
Read more..What does obedience mean to you? Are there any areas in your life which may require a greater obedience?
Read more..Quit giving up on yourself before you get started. You are already victorious! Quit counting yourself out. You are stronger than you think!
Read more..“Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will strengthen their heart, You will make Your ear attentive.” Psalm 10:17
Read more..“Let he who has ears to hear, use them.” “Happy are those who listen to me” is the promise of Proverbs 8:34.
Read more..1. Take no time for margins in your life. Fill your life with so much activity that there is no room to "Be still, cease striving, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). When we live in the tyranny of the urgent, we can be so busy that two-way conversation with God is not a priority. 2. Don't admit that you have any needs.
Read more..What fills up your being? How do you define faith? What do you most want to be full of and why? The book of Acts gives us a compelling description of Stephen.
Read more..Why is it that faith in the Holy Spirit is practiced so little by Christians? The world rules too much in the lives of Christians.
Read more..Fear feels dreadful. It sucks the life out of the soul, curls us into an embryonic state, and drains us dry of contentment.
Read more..Life can be so confusing. We have many choices as we decide the values governing our lives. So how will we find the best way ? and much more importantly, God's way ?
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