December 8, 2024
Christmas Abundance
I will never forget my first Christmas as a follower of Christ. I was thousands of miles from home, grieving my mother’s passing, battling my addictions, flat broke, and almost out of hope.
Read more..I will never forget my first Christmas as a follower of Christ. I was thousands of miles from home, grieving my mother’s passing, battling my addictions, flat broke, and almost out of hope.
Read more..It had been eight months since I had attended church. No problem, I thought, I pray, watch podcasts, and study God’s Word by myself. It’s all good, right?
Read more..Do you feel stuck in discouragement? Frustration that isn’t handled well may develop into depression. Living in discouragement will divide the mind.
Read more..“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15
Read more..Meanwhile Moments: Layers of activity, all known and allowed by God.
Read more..Whatever the causes, many and varied, that lead to broken down lives, God has one solution: his church and his people. When we live in Christ-like compassion, God names us and makes us Repairers and Restorers
Read more..Jesus tells us to believe he’s going to prepare a place for us, and he will come back again to take us to be with him (John 14:1-4). When Jesus made this promise a long time ago, I think he knew we might have times of doubt.
Read more..Will you stop for someone today? ‘You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you’ (Author unknown).
Read more..As believers in the living Christ we can flip griping on its head with an attitude of gratitude.
Read more..“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
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