March 2, 2023
Delight Yourself in the Lord
Dear one, delight in the Lord. He will give you the desires of your heart.
Read more..Dear one, delight in the Lord. He will give you the desires of your heart.
Read more..Sometimes we can feel parked in our faith and not moving forward in trusting God. “COME unto me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest…for your souls.”
Read more..Have you felt the nudge to yield your plans, wishes and burdens to God?
Read more..Is there someone in your life you’re struggling to love? Someone, it just seems impossible to muster any affection?
Read more..The Lord is My Shepherd. There’s a fog upon the landscape. That has dimmed the sun’s bright ray, I don’t know what lies before me Oh, my Shepherd, show the way. There’s a voice that’s all condemning Which bids me not to pray, I will press on through the battle,
Read more..The Great Shepherd is leadingyou away from the dry and desolateplaces into the path where the stillwaters flow!Comforting and protecting youfrom dangers that you don't even
Read more..Some days are just plain tough! Those we care about are hurting. Our plans are falling through. Our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling and fall at our feet.
Read more..Next time you’re worried about your health or house or finances or flights, take a mental trip up the hill. Take your anxieties to the cross
Read more..What a difference I experienced when I stopped allowing the worry to consume me by choosing to let it go. I gave this burden to the Lord, and He lifted it from my shoulders. Oh how freeing was that!
Read more..My own power is inadequate to make the changes I want to see in my life. But the amazing power of the Spirit in me can transform me into someone who looks and acts more like Christ. As a result, I can live the abundant life he promised.
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