January 13, 2023
How Do You Start Fresh in a New Year?
Lord, I want to trust you with the new year ahead. Be my strength and my shield.
Read more..Lord, I want to trust you with the new year ahead. Be my strength and my shield.
Read more..True confidence comes from knowing that we are complete in Him. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. "I am the vine; you are the branches."
Read more..A woman recently decided that life was not worth living anymore. She walked onto a highway overpass, ...
Read more..O God, you are my Hope. I trust in you and your promises. But I admit that at times, like even right now, I struggle with the confidence that you will act in response to my prayers and do what I've trusted you with my life to do.
Read more..Have you thought about the legacy you want to leave and the impact you want to make on the lives of others?
Read more..Today why not look for the places you can excel in the grace of giving.
Read more..Devotional on Psalm 91:1 “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty…. He will cover you with His feathers..
Read more..Whatever you’re going through right now, remember that Jesus knows how you feel and sympathizes with your pain and weakness. He may not remove the anguish or change your situation, but He does promise He’ll always be with you.
Read more..Thought: The year is gone, finished, past. We cannot reclaim it or undo it. We cannot rest on the great distance it has brought us. Let's journey forward, knowing that God already inhabits the future and promises to provide us refreshment on our journey there.
Read more..Jesus is the Treasure that we have in our “jars of clay” fragile lives. He shines in us and through us when we invite Him. His power is our strength in changing days.
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