January 27, 2023
Behold How He Loves Us
Our capacity to actually dwell in Christ's presence is based upon knowing the true nature of God. If we see Him as a loving Father, we will draw near;
Read more..Our capacity to actually dwell in Christ's presence is based upon knowing the true nature of God. If we see Him as a loving Father, we will draw near;
Read more..Yes, we can expect to face suffering in our faith journey. He promises the pain and hardships will serve their purpose and contribute to an overall good in his plan for our lives.
Read more..We can experience discontentment at any stage in life. But the truth is that once we reach a new stage in life, there will always be challenges that arise that make us wish we were in a new stage.
Read more..I find it hard to be contented about almost anything. My performance is not up to par. My weight isn't where it should be. My words were a little insensitive in the last conversation.
Read more..Do you carry a load of guilt? So many do. If our spiritual baggage were visible, do you know what you would see? Suitcases of guilt, bulging with binges, blowups, and compromises. The kid with the baggy jeans and the nose ring? He’d give anything to retract the words he said to his mother.
Read more..You want to pull it, but you know you shouldn't. That dangling thread on the seam of your clothes is bugging you. Does that describe your life?
Read more..My whole perspective on prayer has changed much over the past several years. Before, I looked at prayer mostly as a means of my bringing my needs and requests to God for Him to supply and solve.
Read more..In this crowded world most people don’t want to be alone or away from the crowd, but Jesus wants us to sit quietly in His presence while He blesses us.
Read more..Thank you, Father, for loving me and for Your grace which accepts my too-small sacrifices, transforming them into offerings which glorify You. May I each day humbly offer myself to You so that the world will see Christ in me and long to know Him.
Read more..Gratitude gets us through the hard stuff. To reflect on your blessings is to rehearse God’s accomplishments. To rehearse His accomplishments is to discover His heart. Gratitude always leaves us looking at God and away from dread. So practice gratitude!
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