August 16, 2022
I Set My Heart on God
By setting my internal thermostat on God’s truths, what a difference it makes to my outlook. The whole day works better.
Read more..By setting my internal thermostat on God’s truths, what a difference it makes to my outlook. The whole day works better.
Read more..Many times, we are hesitant to share the gospel because we feel inadequate, but those feelings are from the enemy.
Read more..How bright does the light of Jesus burn in your life? Do you let the duties of the day to take precedence over our sharing the light? Pray that the light of Jesus may shine brightly in your life so that others may see the essence of the Gospel.
Read more..As we seek to please God and trust in his grace, more grace is supplied — we are given relationship with each other.
Read more..In my spiritual journey also there are times when I have a hard time finding my way. What helps me at a time like that? I focus on the light of God’s Word.
Read more..If you feel inadequate when it comes to fulfilling the mission of Christ, know that it’s normal to feel that way. We are simply vessels in need of his power.
Read more..While we may find comfort in being Christians, being a Christian has not made us perfect. There are still many strongholds within us. Therefore, let us identify some of these spiritual fortresses
Read more..The Lord freed me from the bondage of sin and taught me how to use my words to speak life into others that would glorify him. Learn more.
Read more..I always thought I was free. I thought I understood the concept of grace. Did I really understand the freedom grace brings? Clearly not.
Read more..Have you ever been set free from something only to find yourself going right back to it? It can become a chaotic cycle.
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