April 11, 2022
Candle Burning Bright
Friend, God may have you in a dark place for a purpose. Shine the light of Christ wherever you go!
Read more..Friend, God may have you in a dark place for a purpose. Shine the light of Christ wherever you go!
Read more..It has been a long day. Jerusalem is packed with Passover guests, most of whom clamor for a glimpse of the Teacher. The spring sun is warm. The streets are dry. And the disciples are a long way from home. A splash of cool water would be refreshing.
Read more..“I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint.” Psalm
Read more..This is my body, given for you! The words rang in my ears as I heard the sound of the women in the background.
Read more..I love that the Son of God didn’t seek out only environments and places to visit worthy of his heavenly identity. After all, his very act of coming meant exchanging heaven for a human life on earth. He deliberately chose simple environments, like a stable, to display the power of the Kingdom of God.
Read more..“Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.” Proverbs 12:25 Encourage someone today and be prepared to receive back even more. In addition to making others day, it will make you feel so good when you are in a mood of encouragement.
Read more..The same one who saved us first is there to save us still. Such is the message of grace.
Read more..I lock my doors sometimes too. Emotional doors because I fear hurt or rejection. Intellectual doors because I’m unsure what deep study will uncover. Spiritual doors because I wonder if giving my all will truly mean giving my all.
Read more..Every single moment, whether awake or asleep, we all live under the canopy of the Lord's wondrous, absolute love for us.
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