May 25, 2021
Alone with God
There is no true holiness, no clothing with the Holy Spirit and with power, without being alone daily with God.
Read more..There is no true holiness, no clothing with the Holy Spirit and with power, without being alone daily with God.
Read more..The New Testament has a word for such activity: encouragement. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Read more..It has been said that the three most difficult words in the English language are, “I am sorry.” It hurts to apologize and we want to put it off, temporarily or even permanently.
Read more..Father God, I invite you to show me any area of my life where I’m not fully trusting in your presence and power. Thank you that you can do immeasurably more than I can in any area of my life.
Read more..Father, You know all the lonely hearts that are reading this devotional. Reveal Your love for them by showing them that someone cares for them. Thank You! Amen.
Read more..We need help from the inside out. The kind of help Jesus promised.
Read more..Are you a perfectionist? Do you find yourself needing to be perfect in everything, never allowing people or for that matter, God to see your flaws?
Read more..My granddaddy was a bi-vocational pastor. He pastored small churches around Stanley and Union County while also running a little shop behind his house. He would fix tires, golf carts, and tractors.
Read more.....go forth with a burdened heart sharing the precious seed of the Word of God, proclaiming that most joyful news ever announced
Read more... We forget how significant one touch can be. Aren’t we glad Jesus didn’t make the same mistake? Jesus touched the untouchables of the world. Will you do the same?
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