July 10, 2024
Pluck It and Bag It
As I pulled the fragrant, dark cilantro leaves, I realized there were a lot more "good ones" than I originally thought. That made me sigh with relief because I hadn't wasted all my money after all. ...
Read more..As I pulled the fragrant, dark cilantro leaves, I realized there were a lot more "good ones" than I originally thought. That made me sigh with relief because I hadn't wasted all my money after all. ...
Read more..There was a time when I was the walking wounded, before I learned to forgive and let go. If I had waited until my offender was sorry, I would still be waiting. I knew I had to do it for my own emotional and spiritual health and it was the most freeing choice I ever made.
Read more..God's love is more than emotion and intention. God's love is demonstrated.
Read more..To be ignored feels like the person is saying, “You’re so unimportant to me that I can’t even be bothered to acknowledge your presence.” Except that they’re not saying anything at all. And...
Read more..God is jealous for your undivided affection. Choose the one thing that cannot be taken away from you: fellowship in devotion to Jesus, filling your heart with Him, hanging on His words, and joyously abandoning yourself to Him. Continue reading...
Read more..What are the “bees” in our lives? The psalmist wrote that the enemy nations surrounded him like bees.
Read more..What object or person do you trust? Where is your security? The dictionary definition of trust is “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.”
Read more..Are you in a place today where you are ready to give up? Throw in the towel?
Read more..With all of my heart, I want to be more and more like Jesus Christ. To this end, I will avoid legalism and license and embrace the freedom I have in Him to live a holy life and to be a fruitful witness, and to reach out to the multitudes of unchurched men and women who are hungry to know the reality of the living God.
Read more..Sometimes life throws curve balls and hands us difficult decisions, and we just want to pick up the phone and let God tell us what to do.
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