September 20, 2020
We All Need It
It’s not possible for our limited human minds to fully understand God’s gift of peace to our weary souls.
Read more..It’s not possible for our limited human minds to fully understand God’s gift of peace to our weary souls.
Read more..Jesus’ touch is like no other. He reaches out to us with the hand of a true servant— with the warmth of deep compassion, with the wonder of tender mercies, with the understanding of a caring shepherd, and with the grace of unconditional love.
Read more..Some people want to hang on to ill feelings, but nursing a resentful attitude isn’t sustainable; anger must be put aside. If we retain our “right” to hold grudges, we can’t expect to live in the new nature Christ has created for us.
Read more..It's painful being forgotten. Especially by someone we love. I try not to take it personally because life has a tendency to become busy, making meaningful communications less frequent.
Read more..His Righteousness is the character of love; His Holiness is the beauty of love; His Omnipotence is the power of love; His Omnipresence is the nearness of love;
Read more..What do you seek most in life? Often it is possessions….. things ….. that cause us distraction and become our mission. Our possessions require maintenance and steal our time and energy.
Read more.."I do not seek my own will, but the will of him who sent me." John 5:30 Economic uncertainty sends us into the world of “what ifs.”
Read more..When we are stuck in any situation we don’t like, our natural reaction is to question. Yet, what if that situation is a divine appointment? Is this situation an obstacle or an opportunity?
Read more..My home was Kelly's protection from her mom’s verbal abuse, rowdy friends, and alcoholism.
Read more..Jesus turned the world upside-down with an amazing pronouncement. “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 10:39).
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