October 2, 2020
Hope in the Middle of Despair
Sometimes our circumstances seem overwhelming. We may feel like we will never get out of the particularly bothersome situation we are in.
Read more..Sometimes our circumstances seem overwhelming. We may feel like we will never get out of the particularly bothersome situation we are in.
Read more..Take a risk. Believe in God. He will do what he has said he will do.
Read more..Gracious Father, I praise you from the bottom of my heart for providing Jesus as my Savior. At the same time, dear Father, I confess to you I struggle with sin.
Read more..Come and Trust: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Read more..How beautiful are His ways with you; how beautiful is His work within you.
Read more..We cannot close our ears to Christ’s steady knocks and think he will give up. He never will. Jesus wants us to welcome him in with hearts hungering to spend time with him.
Read more..I wonder how many times during the day Jesus gently knocks to warn me of his waiting presence? Not a warning that danger is imminent (though that may be true), but to warn in the sense of putting me on the alert, giving me notice that he is ready to give counsel or send some special message of his love.
Read more..Trust requires humility. Asking admits need. Expressing our deepest desire leaves us vulnerable. By seeking a specific outcome, we risk disappointment.
Read more..In the eyes of many, the Christian faith is a leap into the unknown, a belief that goes beyond rationality, like the “wish upon a star” fairy tale. If I’m honest, faith sometimes feels that way to me too.
Read more..A small hug, a hand on the arm or some small gesture of contact if no words come to mind. A gesture that says, "I'm here for you."
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