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Tag: Jesus

June 6, 2023

Piece versus Peace

Two words that are so different. The first one, pIEce - where the IE stands for I Enjoy. The other is pEAce - where the EA stands for Eternal Access.

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June 5, 2023

The Power of Kind Words

There is power in the words we speak. They can build up or they can tear down. May we choose our words wisely.

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June 5, 2023

The Holy Spirit Will Speak

Holy Spirit Devotional - Certain conditions must prevail, of course, before the Holy Spirit can speak through us. But they are easily met.

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June 4, 2023


Someday, my soul will go to heaven, but my body will remain, being properly lowered into the earth where all but the bones will decompose over time.

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June 4, 2023

You are an Overcomer

You are an overcomer in spite of the nay Sayers the dream killers and all of the liars! You are an overcomer and you shall walk worthy of your calling For God Himself is with you!

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June 3, 2023

Fireside Wisdom

What does it mean to abide in Christ. John 15 describes so well the picture of what abiding is.

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June 3, 2023

Untying Knots

Life gets tangled. People mess up. God loves to untie the knots when our life gets messy.

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June 2, 2023

The Danger of Anger

Anger is a powerful emotion that often causes damage, but it can also be righteous. The Lord also expects us to learn to control our anger so it’s appropriate and doesn’t cause us to sin.

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June 2, 2023

How to Respond in Suffering

Expressing one’s true feelings is not a lack of faith.

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June 1, 2023

Anointed but Waiting

Prayer: Help me, Lord, to trust you enough to wait. And to be aware whether your Spirit is whispering, “Go, stay or wait.”Was there a time in your life when God asked you to wait?

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