December 28, 2023
In God’s Thoughts
“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!” Psalm 139:17
Read more..“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!” Psalm 139:17
Read more..Father, I long to know you face to face and share in the unbridled joy of heaven with you.
Read more..“Would you mind telling me why you’re so happy?” “Sho,” she said. “Christmas is coming and dat baby Jesus---He make me laugh. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.” Psalm 16:8-9
Read more..Each December, during the deepest darkness of the longest nights, God sends us His message year after year: “I am with you.” He is with us in the Light that has come into the world, His Son, Jesus. His Spirit dwells inside each and every believer.
Read more..Dear one, the simplicity of God’s love, not our eloquence or expertise is what touches a person’s life. Wherever you are, tell someone about God’s love today!Dear one, the simplicity of God’s love, not our eloquence or expertise is what touches a person’s life. Wherever you are, tell someone about God’s love today!
Read more..Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room. You have prepared your gift list. You have begun preparing your house for the holidays. Take time to prepare your heart.
Read more..There is no condemnation for those who receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. The believer's penalty for sin is paid, and he can stand blameless before God.
Read more..God doesn’t want us listening to the voice of doom that often bounces around in our heads and says things like, “I just don’t have the talent, education, or drive to make it.” In 1 Thessalonians, Apostle Paul tells us to build each other up.
Read more..Do you have someone in your life you’re constantly trying to please? Confess to your heavenly Father today, and ask Him how to seek His approval alone.
Read more..God’s transforming power flows into us when we open our lives to Him. He reorders our lives by His power and for His glory.
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