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Tag: joy

October 13, 2022

Finding Stillness

Lord, When my heart and mind are overwhelmed, help me to be still and to remember that you alone created this world; nothing in it is beyond your control!

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October 6, 2022

He is Able

If your Father is God and you have a problem on your hands, what do you do?  Scripture tells us what to do.

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October 6, 2022

Unexpected Turns on Your Pathway

Father God, When life takes an unexpected turn for me I pray that You will remind me to quiet my heart and to fully trust You.

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October 4, 2022

Under the Influence

As Christ followers living in a fallen, confused world, we cannot allow the world’s standards to influence how we live life.

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October 4, 2022

Touch Me

Touch me while I am asleep And awaken me to Your truth Oh Lord For many times I fail to acknowledge Your presence.

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October 3, 2022

When Everything Else Fails

At the end of his life, John Newton said, “My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things: that I am a great sinner and that Christ is a great Savior!”

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October 3, 2022

God’s Awesome Hand

It is God alone who calls you to place your life fully in His hand. How awesome is God’s hand!

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September 30, 2022

It’s ALL about God

Television commercials couldn't be more clear! The message is almost always, "It's all about you!" And for a product that's the greatest sales strategy.

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September 30, 2022

He Gives Us a New Song to Sing

Would you like to be an instrument of God to cause others to sing praises to Him? Then tell them the glorious things He has done for you and for them, and encourage them to place their trust in Christ.

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September 29, 2022

You Are His

You are who God says you are:  “spiritually alive.” Heavenly positioned, “seated with him in the heavenly realms.”  “One with Jesus Christ.”

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