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Tag: joy

July 1, 2022

All the Days of My Life

Prayer: Guide me, Lord, in paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. When I walk in dark valleys, please help me to not fear. Thank you that you are with me — you correct and comfort me. Thank you for dealing with my enemies and providing what I need in times of trouble.

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June 30, 2022

God is at Work No Matter How You Feel

In faith, I know this to be true: 1. Jesus, you are full of truth and grace, and you fill me with your truth and grace. 2. You are working within me to clear a channel so that your love flows through me into the lives of everyone I meet...Continue reading...

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June 27, 2022

Poem – In the Midst

Poem to God: In the midst of my pain Do not allow my living be in vain. For I must not kick and shove I must be harmless as a dove.

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June 26, 2022

Blessed in the Little Things

A harvest of joy can be received from the sowing of little things that spontaneously flow from a giving heart

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June 24, 2022

Panic Button

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.’ Philippians 4:6

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June 23, 2022

God is Able

God is ...Able to do exceedingly beyond all your asking. Ephesians 3:20 ...Able to subdue everything under His control. Philippians 3:21 ...

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June 21, 2022

Not Alone

Loving Father, lead me to the people today who need their burdens lifted and their joys shared.

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June 14, 2022

How is My Heart

“Here I am! Cleanse my heart and enable me to speak gracious words to them.”

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June 13, 2022

Likes and Followers

If properly used, social media can help grow the Kingdom of God. But if we are not on guard, social media can easily become an idol worshiped in a real sense, distracting us from the only one deserving of worship, God.

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June 12, 2022

Prayer Before You Speak

Father, guide my thoughts before they become my words. Place a guard over my mouth and a watchman over the door of my lips. When I open my mouth, I ask You to fill it with right words, good words, true words, loving words—words that will point the way to Your heart. May my words be acceptable and pleasing to You as ...

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