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Tag: joy

August 17, 2019

Broken Relationships

“I want to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering” Philippians 3:10 How are you doing today? Is everything going great or are you struggling with a broken relationship? Or perhaps you have an incurable disease - maybe something worse.

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August 15, 2019

How Temptations Lose Their Power

Temptations will lose their power when we keep ourselves in the love of Christ (Jude 21).

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August 10, 2019

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

God longs for me to draw near him. He has shown me his heart by sending Jesus. . If he loves me that much, then I can trust that his desire is to save and bless me.

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August 8, 2019

Abundant, Supernatural Life

My friend Randy had given up on the Christian life. He said, "I have tried, but failed so many times; nothing seems to work. God doesn't hear my prayers, and I am tired of trying.

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August 7, 2019

Energizing Verses for Every Day

What if we started our days with the enthusiasm to see what might happen. * The desire to see what God has planned for us.* The willingness to step up, out of our comfort zones, to follow where God leads.

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July 29, 2019

What God Already Gave – JOY

Our God is a God of joy, and He made us in His image. We want our lives to be full of joy, like His. The truth is:  this God of joy gives joy beyond measure.

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July 29, 2019

Like a Sweet Perfume

"...spread the Gospel like a sweet perfume" 2 Corinthians 2:14 We can certainly learn a lesson from the apostle Paul. He frequently begins a chapter or a verse with a note of praise.

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July 26, 2019

Dependency on God

Jesus tells the crowd at the temple, “the miracles that I do in my Father’s

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July 25, 2019

Fragrance of Christ

When people look at me, Will they see You? When people talk to me, Will they hear You? When people come to me And need the strength That You can give, Will I show them You’re the One The only One they need?

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July 25, 2019

The Stones Cry Out

If the stones were to speak, they could tell of how God took them from the quarry, shaped them, and made them fit for the temple. We too can testify of all the ways God has guided us,

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